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What's Next?

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  • Member since
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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
What's Next?
Posted by fox on Monday, December 22, 2014 1:27 PM

First it was pop up ads on the sides, then larger ones on various parts of the screen, then the green line across the bottom.  They were your advertising and we got used to them. Now it's 1/2 page TV commercials for Pampers etc. that come on every time I click to a new page.  I mean, come on guys.  This is getting to be a real pain in the neck.  Don't we see enough commercials on TV?

I try to be respectful and consider all sides but this is pushing it to the limit (maybe past it). Again, no mention of this change showed up anywhere(that I know of) to inform us of what's going on.  I don't get these anywhere else except on the Forum. Sorry guys, but I had to put my two cents worth in here.  This old fart will take so much and then he has to speak his piece. No offense intended.


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   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

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Posted by Aaron Skinner on Monday, December 22, 2014 1:33 PM

Dear Jim,

I'm sorry for the problems,  but it is not something being done by FineScale Modeler or Kalmbach Publishing. You'll see ads for our products and no one else's pop-up. We've talked it over and our best guess is there is some kind of cookie or other item on you computer that is triggering those ads to show up. If anyone else is having a similar issue, let us know.

Cheers, Aaron

Aaron Skinner


FineScale Modeler

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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Monday, December 22, 2014 2:31 PM

Thanks for the quick reply Aaron.  Like I said, I try to consider all sides so I thought I'd let you know.  We just ran C Cleaner, AVG, and Spybot a week ago.  I'll run them again and see what happens.  I appreciate the help.  I am a real computer dummy. If it wasn't for my wife and step-sons I probably wouldn't have one.

Thanks again for the help.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Tim.  Keep up the great work.

Jim Captain

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   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

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Posted by G-J on Monday, December 22, 2014 9:08 PM

Try also Malwarebytes.  That's good for cleaning those issues up.

On the bench:  Tamyia Mosquito Mk. VI for the '44 group build.  Yes, still.

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  • Member since
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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Saturday, December 27, 2014 2:18 PM

We ran Malwarebytes on Thursday and it found 0. It was all Kia ads yesterday and today it's Pampers.

Talked to my step-son in Cleveland and when he gets a chance he'll take over control of my computer and take a look to see what he can find.  He did it once before when I was having trouble and found a trojan horse hiding somewhere.  He removed it and all has been well until now.  Til then, I guess I'll just have to put up with it.

Thanks for the help everyone.

Jim Captain

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   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

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  • Member since
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  • From: Lancaster, South Carolina
Posted by Devil Dawg on Saturday, December 27, 2014 5:39 PM

Can't say that I've seen any ads other than those for Kalmbach products. More than likely, you've got some malware hiding in the deepest recesses of your 'puter, and it might take a bit of CIA stuff to find 'em and put 'em outa yer misery. Hope you find them soon. They can really slow down a computer.

Devil Dawg

On The Bench: Tamiya 1/32nd Mitsubishi A6M5 Model 52 Zeke For Japanese Group Build

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Posted by Greg on Saturday, December 27, 2014 8:36 PM

If you are running Firefox, you can install Ad Block Plus. It works great for pop-ups. Another idea, try running Malwarebytes in safe mode.

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Posted by G-J on Monday, December 29, 2014 9:12 PM

I second safe mode, especially if you did not run it as "administrator" the first time.

On the bench:  Tamyia Mosquito Mk. VI for the '44 group build.  Yes, still.

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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 2:16 PM

We ran Malwarebytes in safe mode and my wife did it as "Administrator".  This is her laptop that we share as my desktop bit the dust a few years back.  I had a few great games and flight sims on there and boy do I miss them.  

Devil Dawg,  my step-son really had to dig to find the "Trojan Horse" the last time.  He knows all the hiding  places to look for stuff like that.  He's an IT manager and also has a side business repairing computers.  I'll let him have the fun.  I have NO IDEA where to start to find that stuff.  Even "Computers for Dummies" is way, way over my head.Wink

Jim Captain

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   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

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Posted by knox on Thursday, January 1, 2015 10:29 AM

  Fox,          I honestly don't know if this will help, but i have run into the same issue on my wife's work computer.  I typed in "fine scale modeler" and got a lot of hits.  I clicked on one that i thought was the official site and ended up with very weird pop-ups and ads.  I went back and had to pick a couple more sites before i finally hit the "official" site.             knox

  • Member since
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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Thursday, January 1, 2015 12:07 PM

Knox, I'll give it a try.  I've had the same site on the bottom task bar for years but I'll try your idea.  Maybe I'll get lucky.  Doesn't cost anything except a few seconds of time.  Still waiting for my step-son to call.


Jim Captain

 Main WIP: 

   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

I keep hitting "escape", but I'm still here.

  • Member since
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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Sunday, January 4, 2015 12:06 PM

Friday we ran all of the programs we ran before plus everything you all suggested and nothing happened.  My step-son called Friday night and I told him about the problem.  He said it sounded like I needed an "industrial fix" to solve the problem.  He took over control of the computer and we sat there for about 15 minutes watching screens flash by at Mach 1.  When they stopped, he said "All clear".  His program found 4 "Trojans" hiding in the computer and removed them.  He told me to try the site and make sure it was OK and call him back.  I came here and moved around for about 1/2 hour and NO POP-UP ADS.   YAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaay.  I've been on here for a while today and all is still OK.

Thanks a lot  Aaron, G-J, Devil Dawg, Greg and Knox for trying to help.  This old fart really appreciates it.  It's great knowing there are guys like you out there.  My best wishes to you all for a Fantastic New Year.

Jim Captain

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   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

I keep hitting "escape", but I'm still here.

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Posted by G-J on Sunday, January 4, 2015 8:21 PM

Just out of curiosity, what did he run?

(I'm in the business....I fight this stuff all the time.)

On the bench:  Tamyia Mosquito Mk. VI for the '44 group build.  Yes, still.

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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Sunday, January 4, 2015 9:06 PM

G-J, I don't know what he used.  When he fixed my computer the last time, I didn't ask how he did it either.  I don't understand about 95% of what he talks about when he's helping us with our computers.  We just click where he tells us to and hope for the best.  A couple of the members of our club are IT guys.  When they get their heads together it sounds like Greek to me.  

Next time I talk to my step-son, I'll ask him and write it down so I won't forget.

Jim Captain

 Main WIP: 

   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

I keep hitting "escape", but I'm still here.

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  • From: Lancaster, South Carolina
Posted by Devil Dawg on Thursday, February 5, 2015 11:16 AM

Glad it's up-n-running for you, Fox. One thing I've learned about computers and web-surfing - never, ever click on anything that you've never seen before, including links in e-mails and on websites. That's the best way to unknowingly get a virus/trojan horse/malware on your computer. I've had to help some friends and family with this many times, as they like to click on anything that pops up on their screens. Are you running a firewall or anti-virus program on your computer? That'll help prevent this stuff from happening again, too. Microsoft provides Windows Defender for free. Works pretty darned good. It's what I use on mine.

Devil Dawg

On The Bench: Tamiya 1/32nd Mitsubishi A6M5 Model 52 Zeke For Japanese Group Build

Build one at a time? Hah! That'll be the day!!

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  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Thursday, February 5, 2015 1:51 PM

Devil Dawg,  thanks a lot for checking in.  We do use AVG programs on this computer and a firewall program.  I make it a point not to click on anything that I don't recognize so I guess one (or two) slipped by me.  I guess I got a little careless in my old age.  I'll show this to my wife and see what she thinks of the Windows Defender program.  Thanks again for all the help.

Jim Captain

 Main WIP: 

   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

I keep hitting "escape", but I'm still here.


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