Hello, all. My name is ralph and I live in sunny Sarasota, Fl.
I've been modeling mainly cars for most of my life. Im in my seventies and due to the pandemic, I decided to go back into the hobby and dug out a old Pocher 540k model that I had begun to build back in 2002 and put away for various reasons.
It took about four months but it's finally finished, along with a 37 cord by amt, and a couple of others. Im currently working on a large Bugatti Royale, and a 57 1:12 thunderbird.
I found the 540 very challenging, with hundreds of nuts and screws, and it really made me focus and concentrate the mind. It was exasperating and exhilirating at the same time.
I find I now have much more patience and the desire to make things as perfect as I can, instead of just rushing through the build to finish it.
Im having a problem finding the appropriate tubing to use for sparkplug wires, brake lines, radiator hoses, etc. Any source suggestions?