I just recieved the December issue of FSM and I was amazed to see the model club I just left on page 8. I just wanted to put it out that the guys (and girls) at the Balad Model Club are a great bunch and are always looking for donations. Their club is totally free to all the servicemembers.
When I left about a month ago the stock of supplies was starting to get low. So if anyone wants to donate kits, tools, paints, decals, etc. They are always in need and I would be happy to put anyone interested in contact with the co-presidents who have taken over the group.
The items most needed when I left were:
Hobby knives, Sanding sitcks / sand paper, Paint Brushes, Basic paint colors (acrylic), Super Glue / Cement, and of course kits of all types.
Thanks a lot to everyone who has already given so much. I know I can speak for the rest of the guys in the club at Balad that we have really appreciated everything.
CPT Adam Cates