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Show us your workbench/workspace/workshop

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Show us your workbench/workspace/workshop
Posted by Tim Kidwell on Monday, June 17, 2013 9:55 AM

Hi everyone,

There has been some discussion of trying to consolidate the workbench/workspace photos and discussions in one, easily accessible spot. So, here it is!

If you want to show off your workbench or workshop -- or lament it -- here's the place for you. If you happen to come across a recent thread or post that you think should be here, drop us a line and we'll consider merging it.





Timothy Kidwell
Scale Model Brands
Firecrown Media


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Posted by Tojo72 on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:42 PM

The humble work area





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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Friday, June 21, 2013 7:32 AM

Well, it has been a much more drawn out project than I would have liked. Although slow (think glacial), things are coming along.

This is what I started with:


This started in late fall. Drywall is almost done - contractor did not do the finishing to my liking. So, we've had to work on most all of the seams.


This is the hobby room. To the left will be the work bench, to the right will be the computer area.

This will be the paint area, I think.


TV area and kitchenette area.

Sitting/Reading/Game area:

Primer will go up this weekend, drywall guy to come fix things, electrical finish work soon after. Flooring should arrive in two weeks - 1440 sqft free from a company - details by pm if you wish. We'll see if it is "too good to be true"!


Hopefully, modeling will begin before the leaves drop.



Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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Posted by Eagle90 on Saturday, June 22, 2013 9:31 AM

Indifferent WOW! Indifferent

Nice job!  Can't wait to see the finished product!  Man, being able to design your hobby room from scratch!  Lucky dog!





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Posted by PatW on Saturday, June 22, 2013 4:06 PM

After 40 years of marriage my wife wanted the dining table back as I had no other space to do my modeling. So after getting four quotes in to build an extra room on the back of the garage, all around £40,000! I decided to build my own. We went of  to a cabin manufacturer did a deal on £2000 and waited 6 weeks for it to be delivered, in pieces of course, just a bigger kit than normal. I got a few of my friends in- treefeller,garden landscaper, carpenter and electrician. That's to clear the trees, giving 6 feet of extra garden. Put up a new fence, build a deck and install the consumer unit and lights . On the day after the deck was finished the cabin arrived and my wife and I got on with the build and ended up with this.............................. after just 10 days...

All of the work including the cabin came in at a shade under £4000 (with double glazing as standard) and the same space as the extra room!

By the way this was three years ago and the shelves are full of kits and I've got a spray booth and extractor and two model cabinets, both billy bookcases from Ikea with glass doors and extra perspex shelves.

When the weather is nice (not very often in the UK!) I do a bit of modelling and then sit out on the deck reading my Kindle. Oh the plants in the growbags are Strawberries, honest!


Remember , common sense is not common.

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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Monday, June 24, 2013 7:03 AM

Eagle90 - thanks. Designing was the easy part! Painted for about 6-7 hours over the weekend and only got the game/sitting area and hobby room primed....and that took 5 gallons of primer.

PatW - What a beautiful space. Nice price, too! I think we are up around $10K at this point. With project creep, it went from just a  hobby room to the whole basement 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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Posted by mississippivol on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 5:27 PM

Is that your desk or mine??Whistling

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Posted by pyrman64 on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 8:32 PM


Greg H

"There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell." Gen. Wm T. Sherman (11 April 1880, Columbus, Ohio)

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Posted by Greg on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 9:01 PM

No matter how I organize and clean mine, it looks exactly like yours in very short order. Takes me a day to clean up. Minutes to get 'the look' back again. Geeked

And the thing is, I know you know where everything is, you don't even have to look, you just reach and grab it.

Great post!

Edit: this was meant to be in reply to freem's post below. I think somebody moved it, got out of order.

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My work bench
Posted by freem on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 9:38 PM

Since we have seen some nicely organized work benches here's mine in the middle of the E.iv build:

Chris Christenson


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  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Thursday, August 1, 2013 7:24 AM


The humble work area





Hey Tojo, I don't want to side track the thread, but your last picture shows a circle stencil.  Is it metal?  Where did you get it?  I just bought a plastic one, but it is very bendable and I think a more rigid one would work better.  Just wondering where you got from so I can go get one.  Thanks!



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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Thursday, August 1, 2013 12:59 PM

Well hek everybody. Here's what I started with,

Then I robbed a top off of a desk from work and put it on the top of the first desk:

Then I scrapped all of that and got another set up. A little less on the actual workspace than the second setup but ALOT more laid out!

Not to mention a hekuva lot more comfortable!


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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Thursday, August 1, 2013 1:02 PM

Nice work areas and future work areas Tojo and Lyle! Freem I've been there and done that one! lol. Sometimes mine looks like that when right in the thick of things.


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Posted by Greg on Thursday, August 1, 2013 1:35 PM

Eagle and Joe, you are both very organized! I am impressed.

Joe, fun to see the changes to your bench/area over time! Looks great.

Eagle, love those drawer units. Cool!

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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:53 PM

Yeah that little computer desk I had at first did the trick! Without the laptop on it I had more than adequate space. The opportunities just presented themselves along the way. There was a furniture change out at the dealership so the desktop just literally landed in my lap! Same thing happened with the latest desk. My neighbor two houses down was clearing out his spare room to make way for his newborn baby and just put it out in his garage right along with the roll around chair. He gave it to me. Again it just fell into my lap.


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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:55 PM

Tojo:Really liking that "Lazy Susan" you have there for the paints. Saves a whole lot of space don't it?


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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:02 PM

Well, as I've read somewhere - moving like a turtle climbing a muddy creek bank. BUT, Basement is painted, Electrical works, lights work and about 40% has had concrete sealer applied. Wow, is that some seriously stinky stuff. Hope to start on the floor this weekend. Speaking of floor, the 1450 square feet of flooring did show up and was absolutely free. No charge for the flooring, no handling, no shipping, just free. PM for details. It is a Canadian company that I have no affiliation with - just came across this program they have. 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:47 AM

Able to declare the room done. Yes, it has been about a  year of work - we finished off about 1400 square feet of basement as part of the "I get a hobby room" deal. Worth it, I think. Some pics below:

Room as you enter.


Bench area (for now):


Paint area:


Puny little stash:


Now, maybe I can actually glue something besides my fingers - all the planks in the flooring were glued.


Geezer (Lyle) 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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Posted by pyrman64 on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 7:58 AM

Very nice, Lyle.

Greg H

"There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell." Gen. Wm T. Sherman (11 April 1880, Columbus, Ohio)

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Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:17 AM

Congrats on getting your hobby room done. Looks good!

I've always liked those shelving units (the one your stash is on/in). Where did you get it?

  • Member since
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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:34 AM


Congrats on getting your hobby room done. Looks good!

I've always liked those shelving units (the one your stash is on/in). Where did you get it?

Thanks. Already there are things I wish I had done a bit differently. I guess there is no surprise there. The shelf unit came from Lowe's about 75 I think. they are 18 inches deep, which is nice. 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:06 PM

Geezer, that is an awesome room!  Room to grow in too!  And that is a mighty fine stash you have.  Nothing puny there!  Congrats!



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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:16 PM


Geezer, that is an awesome room!  Room to grow in too!  And that is a mighty fine stash you have.  Nothing puny there!  Congrats!


Thanks, Eagle90. Room sort of looks a bit empty! Hmm. buy more kits. 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:18 PM


Very nice, Lyle.

Thanks. I'd like to say it was a labor of love, but it was mostly just labor! Now if I can just get the regulator/moisture trap to seat properly on the compressor! always something. 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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  • From: Florida-West Central
Posted by Eagle90 on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:42 PM



Geezer, that is an awesome room!  Room to grow in too!  And that is a mighty fine stash you have.  Nothing puny there!  Congrats!


Thanks, Eagle90. Room sort of looks a bit empty! Hmm. buy more kits.

Now you're thinking!  Sounds like a good excuse to me!  Wink


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Posted by Greg on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 2:04 PM

Thanks for the info on the shelving, Lyle. Lowes it is, then.

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Posted by DeafAviator on Friday, October 18, 2013 11:34 AM

Nothing much but it works very well for me! I work down in the basement of our townhome - unfinished but A/C'd and heated and very clean so it is actually quite comfy down here. Just still working on organizing everything and always making trips to goodwill and whatnot to get rid of stuff before our next move. However, my workbench/office, as you can see below, is set up just fine. I actually like the place being unfinished - before I even had this stuff set up, while I was unpacking, I dropped and broke the top off one of my Alclad bottles - spilled about half a bottle of Chrome on the floor. Easy peasy - just wipe up and move on! Now if it was carpet.... not so sure I'd still be married today...

Got the computer hooked up to the TV so I can watch Netflix on that while working on my kits. Thinking about buying a couple of cheap plastic drawers to organize the bookshelf on the table a bit more. Extended the table over to the window for extra real estate, using a spare plywood shelf.

I also have a display case that I picked up for free from a coworker - not ideal for displaying models with it being so dark and unlit (I added "tap" lights to the top section - planning on adding more as I add models to it) but it was a really nice unit and I couldn't beat free, on top of the fact that I didn't have any other option for displaying my models or even storing them, so I went ahead and took it so I had a place to put my finished projects. Not only that but I use the bottom drawer for all my spare parts bins as well as my rags.

All in all I am pretty content with it - like I said I just need a couple of small drawers to organize things a little bit more but that's it. Nice to have a window for fumes ventilation - I may add an exhaust fan to help with that.

Todd Barker - Colorado Springs, CO

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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Friday, October 18, 2013 12:10 PM

Very nice, Todd. Is that the 'Spawn of Satan' on the bench? Good natural light, it seems. 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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  • From: Mt. Washington, KY
Posted by Geezer on Thursday, January 23, 2014 6:23 PM

When I put the room together, I had settled on a bench from Harbor Freight. Nice,  all wood, sturdy. I really wanted a "workstation" like you see in some offices or cubicles. Since I spend 8-10 hours a day in one, they are comfortable. Over last weekend, found one at Peddlers Mall - a self-service flea market. The Louisville boys will know about it. When I found it was a $100, I bought it.

Got it home and on Monday, my son came out and helped put it back together.

LIke it much better than the bench.

By the way, like much of the midwest....that afternoon, it was 53-55 degrees and sunny. By morning - 0

Love Kentucky weather. 

Mediocraties - my favorite Greek model builder. 


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Posted by BlackSheepTwoOneFour on Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:31 PM

Geezer - That's what I'm talking about! Nice set-up. Me likey!!!!  LOL!!


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