I work in a State Laboratory, we test everything from blood, to rabies, food, feed, plants, drugs, and things that require the highest Bio-Safety Levels. I am the IT guy there, but interact closely with the scientists (I have a background in Chemistry and Biology)
So today I overheard them discussing a case where they have been asked if it would be possible to determine the amount of alcohol present in donuts (and for the record, not me, I don't drink.) Thinking I mis-heard them, I asked for clarification. The original statement was correct. A small company is producing donuts infused with alcohol. If the content of alcohol by weight exceeds a certain amount, the State steps in and it becomes a regulated substance. The inspectors believe this limit is being exceeded, but need some sort of proof, so they have turned to us.
Now, the donuts are being infused post-baking, but as you all well know, alcohol cooks off easily, so any heat-based reduction of the finished product will cook off the alcohol, thus nullifying the test. Many brilliant minds at the lab, and we have many, are stumped.
Naturally, they turned to me for a solution. I mean after all, I'm an IT guy so I must have the solutions to everything right?
My first thought is they are trying to apply a technological solution to a social one. Rather than try to determine scientifically how much booze they put in the donuts, bribe a worker to tell you.
My next thought was, give us an unending supply of alcohol-infused donuts, delivered daily, and we'll *find* a scientific process for them! Granted, repeat-ability might take a hit, but hey, sacrifices have to be made in the name of science.
My final thought was, again, thinking of sacrifices, eat the donuts one at a time, monitor blood alcohol levels, divide by age, weight, etc, deduce from there.
So, good people of FS forums, help me solve this issue for them (in a serious scientific way, or a most silly way), I will bring the best solutions to the scientists and let you know what they think.