RE: Wake Island ;
I was watching this the other day and wondered . How much of the real story did they leave out ? How much more could've been in the content without commercial interruption . For many years I have been a proponent of " Run all the commercials before and after the show ".
Let the advertisers fight for who's on first . Just let me see something like this , uninterrupted from beginning to end . After all what with kids not knowing some very important things about our history.
( it's not being taught ,or, if it is , Not in depth ) This is just as bad as saying that cursive writing is no longer needed , What ? How would Aaron Skinner or Tim Kidwell or Matthew know who I am when I write them a letter ? They might think my next door neighbor kid did it . Cursive is important . So is the whole history of an event .
Now if you don't look in the shadows , you won't find the whole truth . So much is shaved off . So Was Wake Island complete as is ? or how much was left on the cutting room floor ?