Question ? Can you really teach this subject ?
I ask this for many reasons and have come to this conclusion .You Can and then you Cannot . Why the wishy washy decision ?
Well , think about it . Many folks like to mess with details , then they get to a point of being overwhelmed and give up . Many folks get to this point and then just get in deeper .
I think also it happens to be an outlet for artistic folks when they realize , Whether it's scratch built or a pile of parts it is fun .
Why is it fun ? Well that depends .Do you feel a sense of accomplishment when you are finished ? Do you see the results of commiting to a project and seeing it finished the way you think it should be ?
If you do , you should build models of the type you like . If it's Figures , Dollhouses and the Furnishings or Ships and Planes , or even Armor . Dios ? sure why not ? I have over the years seen some beautiful dios of just about every subject .
I just recently learned how to build trees .Yes , "Build" Trees . How ? Out of lengths of wire and foliage stuff from Model Railroad Scenics . See ? I have been doing this for , it seems like ages and am still learning .
Why ? it's creative . Can you teach modeling ? YES ! T.B.