Tuesday got a shot over the Bow . Just Cruising along and Boom ! A TIA ! That's a Transient Ischemic Attack ! In other words a Stroke warning Shot . Geez , I thought I was doing everything the medicos said .Guess I wasn't . Now, I am okay, but a little slower to heat up ( I hope so ) and have to be careful to not get embroiled in stressful situations .
This old Swabbie/Jarhead ain't gonna give up yet ! I will still build models and all that .I will however take my time and be sure I don't get embroiled in anything that might trigger the Big Guns . Catchya later ! A humbled T.B. P.S. I am okay now , Just intentionally going slower .
Hey guys and Gals .Thank You .I will continue to be your friendly irritant as long as I can .Thank you for caring. That lifts my spirits way up .