I figure the best way to thank a place for excellent customer service is to tell others. In my biz as in most there is some adage I may have the figures wrong on. It's along the lines of bad service people will till a hundred. Great service people will tell a few.
First: Hobby Linc. Part totally missing from sprue. It probably fell off during packaging. I emailed the part number. They sent the next day but wrong part. A few days later the right part was in my mailbox.
Second: Scalehobbyist. Decal cover sheet was like glued to decals. (AFV club) Emailed. Guy emails back that same day. Thinks maybe high humidity. Couple weeks later new decal sheet arrived today.
Both models were AFV club and while they have a missing parts form you can send in there is no address i can find. The one I do find seems to be two paragraphs long and I'd be clueless as to postage anyway. So that's it. I mailed the bad decals back so they could see with a note that I'd post up their good service.