As one who has seen this firsthand this week, it is all about the year end budget and needing to impress the stake holders with the year end number projections for 2021. The staff is just the easiest way to find the savings to reach the expectation. The holidays unfortunately just fall in Q4 as well.
The way I see it, you the long tenured staff in December, give them a severance based on state laws, then you can always hire someone new within a couple months for less play and PTO accrual if conditions stabilize and the rest of the staff hasn't already successfully absorbed the duties.
I'm not one of these dopes who think the business money just grows on trees or is made by magic, but I think it is also foolish to be performing across the board staff cuts and include the profitable units of a company in the cuts as well. The old story killing the golden goose and all...
But I wholeheardely agree with Bill that the most wretched thing to do is shine the staff that all is doing just fine with the company, then on 12/1 spring a bunch of layoffs on everyone. That is exactly what our CEO had been doing since July, then the managers wonder why we say we don't trust them.
But that is just my