MattSix wrote: |
Hans, You are tackling THREE Black Widows!? ![Shock [:O]](/emoticons/icon_smile_shock.gif) Oh man, I hope you have a lot of patience. I have not tried one myself, but there are plenty of people here who have, and hated the experience! ![Dead [xx(]](/emoticons/icon_smile_dead.gif) I hope one day Tamiya, or someone else, makes a better version of the 1/48 Black Widow. It is badly needed. |
I really don't have the problems with the Black Widows that everyone else is complaining about in the GB thread... Like I said, it's definately no shake & bake, but anyone with a little patience and fair-to-middlin' skills can pull it off... Besides, if it ws easy to build, everyone would want one, lol.. You need to have some skills with scratch-building, minor ones, like for shimming the canopy or cutting off the left engine nacelle and adding open cowl-flaps to it, as well as opening the intakes and adding plastic sheet to them (I know there's aftermarket sets for the Widow, but I don't believe in buying stuff I can make myself) ...
Overall, it's a 6 on my scale of 10... Not Monogram's best kit, but certainly not their worst. It had some goofy swirls in the plastic that showed up under my paint, but that was the molding process being off that day, plus the fact I used Tamiya on it... From now on, enamel only on that kit... Besides, if you want a REAL pig of a model P-61, the Aurora 1/48th was it... NOTHING on that model was right, accurate, or detailed... I've built the Widow at least three times prior to this current build, ya know... If ya look in the GB forum under the "Twin Engined Fighters" thread, my Widow WIP has some photos...
Tamiya might make a better kit some day, but it'll run about 60-80 dollars as well, and I don't pay that kind of money for ANY kit...
There's nothin' wrong with those old Monogram kits. I cut my modeling teeth on 'em, building dozens of them for years in the 60s and 70s (most of the single-engined stuff was a buck, so maybe I got more experience with 'em than guys who never did many Monogram kits... I dunno, they're like goin' home for me... And they're still cheap enough for me to not regret destroying one of 'em, lol...