This forum has a pretty nifty tool. Towards the top of each page is a "search" tag. click on it and the menu will guide you through and pretty much give you a comprehensive search of whatever keyword you enter. Either in the topic or in the text of the postings. You can glean an amazing amount of info this way and its fun.
Eric hit it on the nose, the only dumb question is the one you don't ask. If you don't know something ask, its how we all learned. This isn't instinctual, its not buried in racial memory, and we all started somewhere.
I'll echo dubix's suggestion as well that you pick up either at the newstand or via subscription this and any one of the other trade magazines out there. They are a good read, have plenty of helpful topics and pics and are little reference manuals and training aids all wrapped up in one.
Good luck, have fun!
"Imagination is the dye that colors our lives"
Marcus Aurellius
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"