The brush that ShermanFreak might be thinking of is called a "dear foot" or "chisel" brush. They come in different sizes so you'll find a variation that you can apply to whatever application.
Pencils come in different scales. Usually what we call a #2 is an H2. The scale is based upon hardness values. H being Hard...B being soft. HB is the mid range and then it goes from there, HB, H, H2, H3 to H9 (going mid to hard) HB B2, B3, to B6 (mid to soft) The softer the penicl, the higher the yield of graphite or "lead" that is deposited when you draw making it darker. Thus you can get more graphite from a softer pencil than a harder one. Graphite will give you that metalic sheen.
Not to be confused with Charcoal or carbon pencils. They yield a deep black (which would be good for exhaust, muzzle carbon etc...)They are rated HB, 2B, 4B, 6B and white. Some carbon pencils actualy go to a BBB which is really soft, and really dark.
Pastels work wonderfully and for about $8 you can pick up a set of 12-16. Just be sure to get the chalk pastels. (They do make a waxy pastel....not good)
Good luck.
"Imagination is the dye that colors our lives"
Marcus Aurellius
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"