Currently starting to have a mental meltdown with the electronics and operating sequencing. There is so much happening because of a boat that automatically traverses under a bridge. I planned to get a haircut tomorrow, but I don't have to's all pulled out
Quite a few drawings had to be overhauled. It makes me wonder why I did not foresee this earlier. Or perhaps it's just me losing the plot (again). What I hate about all this is I spend a few days sorting out several steps to discover that an earlier step is in error, which makes all the following ones in error too.
Getting older does not help. Retaining info . . . I just forgot what I was going to say.
Anyway, I need to step outside regularly within a day. Sometimes it actually helps. Othertimes it makes it worse, because I forgotten what I was retaining in my head. Now I write everything down, which helps some what.
So far, I am halfway through the 14 steps. Each step contains more information because they compound on future steps. Example, vessel traffic lights on bridge span, and boat navigational lights, change depending on boat direction of travel. All this just for the few seconds it takes the boat to travel a short way. I must sound like I am whinging, but I am not. It's just that I am not that smart, and find it hard to figure it all out.
So, while I am headbanging away, I will post some updates on something I was working on last month, The Bridge on the River Kwai. It too is on hold until this bridge gets finished. I plan to have this finished by New Year. Then I will go back and finish the Bridge on the River Kwai project.
Will post a link here, to the other bridge build, soon....