You have read in my posts about my unintentional Gold medal winner , Right ? It was MONOGRAM'S " Century Series F-100 . Yes there's about 150 to 200 pieces of foil on the bird .The point was brought up about grain .That's why I use cheap foil .There is little if any process roller graining on the foil . The beautiful part of this is simple.
If you look at the plane in bright light, every panel has just a slightly different sheen , just like a real metal plane . Now if you want a single surface of metal sheen then do as I do . I use a Brand New No. 01 handle from X-Acto that I put in a lathe and contoured it as a burnishing tool . The result of rubbing then produces a chrome like sheen everywhere the tool is used .
I personally don't like Alclad. Why , wel,l although I have a fairly well equipped building area I do not have a space to spray metalizer products of any kind , besides I don't like the finish . It may be as smooth as a baby's behind, but , it still doesn't look metallic enough to me and I followed the instructions to the letter .
Besides I like doing foil. I find it calms me down as much as painting or decaling does other folks who really like doing that . T.B. Want to really go through a lot of Alclad OR Foil ? Try doing Monogram's B-29 or Amt's YB.49 ! Oh,and I did find One picture of a P-47 of Gabby's that was bare metal all over . It was in an old Air Power book I bought used at the Library .