I have only used artist oils and odorless turpentine for my washes and I am pleased with how they look. Up until recently I have had no trouble with them. I have learned that this combination does NOT like to play well with Alclad Klear Gloss. It causes the clear to rub off and it gets all sticky and holds onto lint and cotton fibers (I use q-tips to clean up) and that was a HUGE mess.
It looks OK, but the clean up was a nightmare. I won't be using that combo with Alclad clears again. I have used it several times with Testor's clears with no issues at all and with Future, no problems.
I am switching to Flory washes however, I just think they are safer and give a better looking result in the end. I blame Lawdog for this, it's all his fault with those "how to" builds.