I own the Bf-109E, Ju-87B and P-51 D Mustang kits.
The Bf-109E and Mustang kit landing gear retract into empty gear bays.
For some reason, AIRFIX decided not to detail the gear bays.
A Hurricane kit is the next on my list of must haves; I understand the Merlin engine is the most detailed Merlin included in the old, 1970s era AIRFIX 1/24 line.
The earlier kits are not as well detailed as the Typhoon.
OTOH....if enough folks buy the Typhoon, perhaps AIRFIX will tool up for new issues of their classics.
I have not seen the AIRFIX 1/24 Mosquito kit but would presume it may be another kit worth buying as it was designed perhaps a decade ago. I'd like to see the Merlin engine detail in that kit.