Just as a matter of interest, I have tried the alclad gloss black primer but it really didn't work for me.
I prime the model as per usual with tamiya fine primer , sand it with 4000 MM, then shoot on gloss black enamel (tamiya), pollish that with 12000 MM and it is ready for alclad.
I also decal straight over the alclad, no gloss coat needed, I just seal it aterwards to protect the paint, agian I tried different clearcoats but only alclad clearcoat doesn't take away from the look of alclad.
The biggest thing with alclad is to have a flawless finnish, and shoot it on in thin coats, the first 1-2 you can hardly see. Usually at 12-15 psi.
Clean the AB with lacure thinners afterwards.
@ MC, the thing you talk about is the thin metal "oil canning" between the formers /stringers. The proccess of riviting also slightly stretches the metal.
The "swirly" look is the way the pollisher pollished the metal, I have seen this on the Beech 18 where I worked.