I know this is not what you asked sorry. Maybe try this out during your seam filling preps.
Using sanding sticks to me is a good tool for sanding with. They come in various gradeds from extra fine,fine,med and corse.
After sanding go over it with the "extra fine" sanding stick,which leads me in an odd approach.
Take what ever piece you have just sanded and angle it towards the light,Looking across the surface. This especially works on leading edges of wings.
It will basically hilight the area that needs to be fixed.They will either appear a flat tone or a gap. Then you will know to fix that area.
You may find this good and maybe not, I have a 50-50 chance here (LOL). Good luck w/ your Tomcat. Flaps up Mike
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger