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2016 OTS (1/72) SMALL IS BIG

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  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by Bossman on Sunday, July 17, 2016 10:23 PM

Howdy All,

Nice progress by everyone.  Good to see all this interesting work going on with some great kits.

Lewbud, Old Crow is looking good and so is the Hummer.  Looking forward to see what you do with the weathering.

Sim, that rigging on the tiny camel is very fine work indeed !  Nice !  

Tony,  The Hunter quartet is very cool.  Any plans to do some from the other demo teams ?    One question . . .  When I saw the latest pictures I was wondering what happened to the yellow stripes that were in the pictures on the previous page of posts (pg 12).  Were those yellow stripes really there - or was it just a camera thing ?  Looks great either way.  The Spitfires are coming along great too.  Those are some very nice looking aircraft.  The Fokker looks alot like a P-36 (radial engined Curtiss Hawk). 

Theuns,  That MH-53's interior detailing work is really impressive.  Hope it's got some massive doors you can open up to see inside when it's all buttoned up.

I've been progressig a little bit on the Havoc.  Up until today it's been kinda slow, but today I had a few hours with an empty house and a beautiful day - so I moved my modeling outdoors and had a very relaxing time for a few hours.  

In the past few weeks I've done some of the interior PE Work.  Honestly, I don't like working with PE as much as I thought I would.  I think it looks just OK.  Kinda like somebody glued a bunch of metal foil parts on a plastic model (go figure) - not like somebody shrunk down a real A-20.  Maybe I had my hopes set too high.


Today was different.  I didn't do any painting or PE work.  It was all assembly.  

Installed underwing lights.  Drilled a partial hole in the backside of the glass to "make" a bulb, then glued it in place with white glue and covered it with a little snip of aluminum foil.


I liked the result . . .    Wheel well detail will look nice with a wash.

Installed covers for what I think must be the turbochargers (?)  Fit wasn't great - needs some fill, and then I pressed too hard on one side and got a glue blob.  Should clean up easily - I hope !


Put in some tiny side windows, front gear bay, and buttoned up the fuselage.  Assembled the wing halves, tail halves and gear nacelles, put together parts of the dorsal turret. . . . and there you have it.


One thing I had to be careful of with this kit was just cutting parts from the sprue.  The sprue attachment points are pretty big in a lot of cases.  I armed myself with a new xacto blade and things went OK.

Next . . . a little filling and a whole lotta sanding and painting.


  • Member since
    April 2010
Posted by Theuns on Sunday, July 17, 2016 11:14 PM

Damg I do like the stencling on the throttle quadrant !


As for my modling , I have been very lazy lately. It is winter here and although not near as cold as you guys have for me beeing a South African I don't like it atall if the temp dips below 10 deg C....we here are made for the heat LOL

I have changed my mind WRT the interior detail on the sidewalls of the MH-53. I had looked at loads of pix and there is so much detail to make that I think in this scale it will loose the effect and just look "cluttered" as it will be hard to see the difference between wire looms, hoses and pipes :-(


So while I was at work  (airframe teck)I looked at a piece of aircraft fabric and then it hit me - the texture of this stuff looks like the interior "padding" I have seen on some of the US military helos. I painted some of this fabric green and cut pieces to fit neatly between the fuselage formers. I am quite hapy with the effect.

Pix to follow as soon as I have painted the seats.



  • Member since
    January 2014
  • From: Toronto
Posted by Rob S. on Monday, July 18, 2016 5:29 AM

Definitely looking forward to seeing that interior Theuns!



On the Bench: Nothing on the go ATM

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Monday, July 18, 2016 9:21 AM

Looks like quite a bit of work is going into that A-20 Chris.

Theuns, I'm with Rob, that will be intrestibg to see. Sometime one can go overboard with detail and like you said it just looks cluddered.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 5:25 AM

Thanks Boss! It really wasn't as hard as it looks. Just fiddly. Anchored all the lines in bottom, threaded through the top, pull tight and add drop of ca just short of hole, and pull a bit tighter. This stretchy stuff is great if you happen to roll a thumb into the works, release thumb and it all springs back to normal. Your A-20 is looking great as well! Love the office!

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
    August 2015
  • From: the redlands Fl
Posted by crown r n7 on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 2:31 PM

its been awhile since I posted some mig27 pics just having fun with this 




  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by Bossman on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 6:41 PM


I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much 'bout MiG's.

But I never even imagined that they were powered by V-8's !


  • Member since
    August 2015
  • From: the redlands Fl
Posted by crown r n7 on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 7:20 PM

LolBig Smile thats my 55 Chevy engine that got in the shot . I do have a  crowded  work space 




  • Member since
    April 2010
Posted by Theuns on Thursday, July 21, 2016 9:26 AM

Here is the basic effect. I need to touch up the paint on the fabric still. There is still allot of stuff to be made to go in the cabin...



  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Thursday, July 21, 2016 9:44 AM

That looks much cleaner Theuns. Once you have it weathered and closed up it will look great.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Saturday, July 23, 2016 7:56 PM

Crown and Theuns your builds are looking great!! LOL would use the V-8 for the start cart!Propeller They used twin 455s in the SR-71 start carts.

Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Australia
Posted by taxtp on Friday, July 29, 2016 8:15 PM

Love that Mig, nice work and the colours really pop out.

Here are my two Spitfire XIXs. The first replicates a scheme used by the BBMF, but I've chose to depict it in it's possible wartime weathered look. I didn't have the BBMF box set with this aircraft, so decals are Xtradecals roundels with some odds and ends from the spares box. I've also completed a RTAF version of PS888, however the only photo I could find of it showed it in a very decrepit state at the end of it's life. I've chosen to depict it some time before that, whilst still in reasonable nick. I have no interest in showing a Spitfire in that state. The Thai decals are from Jay's Models.

The final photos show my Airfix Spitfire XIX collection to date. I think I've got three more to go.











I'm just taking it one GB at a time.

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Friday, July 29, 2016 10:39 PM

Oh wow Tony, great job on both of them. Yeah I wouldn't want to turn such a pretty bird bad either.

Wayne will get you on the wall soon.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    April 2010
Posted by Theuns on Sunday, July 31, 2016 5:35 AM

Please put this on the roster aswell. 1/72 Zvesda ANT-5.

I think it has to be one of the ugliest planes ever built! I got it for all of $7 and since our clu had a bi-plane chalange soon I will build it ....just because it is so different.



  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by Bossman on Sunday, July 31, 2016 11:40 AM

Hello All,

Nice interior work Theuns.  You got bit by the Biplane bug too eh ?!

Tony - that collection of XIX's is very nice.  Such a gracefull looking A/C - and you've finished them very nicely.

I've made a bit of progress on the Havoc.

Got the Fuselage closed up and the seams mostly sanded.  I have to go back with some filler in a few places and then restore some panel line detail.

Next . . . on to the landing gear.  And as I've encountered before with assembling fiddley 3-D frame structures  -  I ran into a few snags.   Some help from the instructions would have been nice - but they are rather vague and there are no written recommendations - so  I'm writing this to leave a few breadcrumbs on the trail for others who pass this way . . . 

This is what I was given. . .   looked pretty self explanatory to me.

I assembled the starboard side gear first, and found out right away that I had to drill out the holes in the bottom of the wing because they were too shallow (not "thru holes"). I added the two multi-piece truss parts.  At this point I realized that it would help to drill out the pivot points on the 2 main truss assemblies because they weren't big enough to fit the  pins from the other parts.  Then I started adding the other parts in a way that made the most sense for stability and allignment.  More hole enlargement was required on various connection points.  The length of some of the pieces seemed to be off a bit (some short, or others long - I don't know which).  I got it together and things just looked a bit wonky.  The glue hadn't completely set - so I was able to push things into place in a way that looked more alligned.  This pulled one piece from its attachment point on the bottom of the wing, but the whole assembly was stable and looked alligned - so I stuck with it.

For the port side gear I thought  -  "OK, now I know what to do" . . .  I pre-drilled all the holes in the bottom of the wing and other points . . . 

Made sure to assemble parts D10 and D14 before attaching them to the rest of the assembly as this had given me some difficulty on the starboard side.

OK - things definitely went more smoothly. but I'm winding up with the same short piece.  Looks like I'll need to add some reinforcement with styrene strip stock.  No big deal, it will be visible, but most people will just think it's a part of the kit.  

Now to slip the gear nacelle over the whole assembly to test fit . . .

Hmmmm.  Not quite fitting.   Feels like something is keeping the nacelle from sliding back over that edge, but I'm almost there.  Maybe if I just push it down and back a little b . . .  CRUNCH !   . . .  it.    Indifferent That didn't sound right !

. . .  this was after I straightened it out !

Back to the instructions . . .

Looking at the nacelle . .  and the instructions . . .  I think I see what went wrong.

A little clarity could have helped here.  On which side of that raised lip was the firewall supposed to be glued ?    Angry Grrrrrr !    But     I dry-fit the parts and it seemed like the backside of the lip was a better fit !    I'm blaming this one on the instructions !

So here I am.  Everything looks well alligned. . .  

. . .  only now I have to perform surgery of some kind so that I can fit the nacelles.  I'm thinking that the least damaging method would be to carefully cut out the firewall so I don't crack the nacelle seams, and then install new sheet styrene firewall on the other side of the lip.  There's no detail on the firewall.  So a plain sheet is just as good as the kit part.

But first I'm gonna take a break . . . 



  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Sunday, July 31, 2016 1:18 PM
You are really going to work on your Havoc, I love it! Your meticulous attention to detail is great. One day I hope to be so observant. I just bully through and break stuff all the time.
After some serious research, mainly using Douglas Martindale’s writings on the 505 on the Accurate Model Parts site, and looking up other papers, I decided to go with the 515.
It seems that the 507, 527 and 557 which were my original choices, would have had the Turm-II (tower (a single 20 on the upper platform and a single 20 on the Wintergarden) as the Turm-IV (two single 20 on either side of the tower on the upper platform) would have come around after the start of 1943. The 507 was sunk in Jan 43, 527 was sunk in May 43, so it may have had the Turm-IV, no telling. But the 527 would have surly had the quad 20 Vierling on the Wintergarden as the single auto 37, in the kit, wasn’t available in numbers yet. The 557 was sunk Dec 41 so there’s no way it has the Turm-IV. The Turm-IV wasn’t even conceived of yet.
So where did that leave me? Searching for another subject to reproduce.
Enter the 515. More searching reviled a survivor’s report after it’s sinking in Arp 44 by rockets and DC’s. After interviewing the survivor’s, it was reviled that the 515 had 2 single 20s, an auto 37 and was missing the 10.5 cm deck gun during its 6th and last patrol, just like the Revell kit. This is nice as I won’t have to scratch out a ready locker in front of the tower.
The 515 had a pretty illustrious career, sinking 25 ships and damaging 2. It was apparently one of the top scoring boats of the 10th Flotilla. The emblems she wore were a hammer on either side of the tower (not very glamorous) and the 10th Flotilla emblem on the front.
So research done, I will be starting this tomorrow. The missing box sure leaves a hole in the stash pile.
So research done, I will be starting this tomorrow and it sure leaves a hole in the stash pile.




Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Sunday, July 31, 2016 2:51 PM

Nice job on those two Tony, nice to see two differant scheme for these.

I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Monday, August 1, 2016 9:42 AM

I started this kit in the new Submarine Warfare GB which started today and doing it as a crossover here. 

The kit was purchased a few years back by my daughter on Father's Day and I received the PE Big Ed set last Christmas. I didn't get the Pontos wood deck because frankly' I couldn't afford or justify it. Like I said earlier, the removal of the box from the stash sure leaves a huge hole Confused I need to fill the void.

Well here it is. I'm sure most everyone is familiar with the kit, have one in your stash, built one yourself or watched a few WIP builds. The hull comes in 4 pieces and is going to require some surgery to open the limber holes and flood hatches. I will also build a representation of the pressure hull which can be seen through the limber holes.



Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Monday, August 1, 2016 10:03 PM
I started grinding off the plastic behind the limber holes, vents and scuppers. This is a messy time consuming process but should help immensely in opening them up. I have read of grinding them completely to open them, halfway and drilling the front and not at all and just using a drill. I’m choosing the middle one.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    April 2010
Posted by Theuns on Monday, August 1, 2016 11:08 PM

I have not built a sub before, I think one could go to town on it with weathering and it will still look good. Maybe I should get one. Problem is that I like the new generation SSN's and they are very featureless and dont rust LOL.



  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Monday, August 1, 2016 11:37 PM

Modern subs may not rust much but the waterline and below can get really nasty.

You're right, there is a lot of weathering that can be done to a WW2 sub. 


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    April 2010
Posted by Theuns on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 4:40 AM

Are modern subs not coated with some sort of rubber to absorb sonar?



  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 8:50 AM
The Virginia class has an Anechoic tile added for 15% reduction of the acoustic signature, but I’m not sure about the older boats. Here is an example of a Victor going into drydock. Good weathering subject.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    April 2010
Posted by Theuns on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 10:02 AM

Dang! that is rusted...



  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 9:41 PM
I did some work on the starboard stern and installed the PE. I realized that removing the precise amount of plastic before installing the PE pieces wasn’t necessary. For the port side I’m first drilling some locating holes. I will glue the PE on first then grind the inside. Once this is ground down I’ll cut out the holes with an Exacto.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    March 2006
Posted by simpilot34 on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 4:47 AM

Tony love the Spit! Also love the collection! Could it be a Spit-oon?Propeller

Theuns looking forward to the ANT-5!!

Boss Ouch! It looks like an easy save though. Looking good so far!

MC Looking fwd to seeing the Das Big boat come together!! Looking great so far!

Still haven't gotten back to the SM81. Gotten closer to finishing my E7K I'm building in the Floats and Boats GB. Would have entered it here as well, but just felt it was too far advanced in build. Had some decal issues with it I would say was do to the age of the kit. managed a decent save I think. Anyone want a look, come on over.

Oh what the hey, here's a couple pics of the top wing anyways lol



Cheers, Lt. Cmdr. Richie "To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving the peace."-George Washington
  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 6:32 AM

Great save on the decals.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 2:52 PM

Seeing as i have some spare time while i wait for the supplies to finish my panzerwerfer, its time i jumped in here with my entry. I will be cahnging my priginal one. I don't have the time to do the He 162, the 72nd kit is only one of 3 for that build. So instead, i will be doing a little OOB build of somthing a little differant for me.

So, my new entry is Eduards F6F-3 Hellcat.

The kit looks really nice and has a nice small PE fret and a good selection of decal options, and its going together very well.

I started on Sunday with the pit, putting some of it together but leaving a few bits off for painting.

After a coat of primer and interiour green, i did some light weathering, just a flory pin wash and dry brushing and got all the coloured PE parts fitted.

And with that, the pit was fitted, fuselage halves joined and wings added. This has gone together great and i haven't used any filler as yet.

I primed the wheel wells egtting ready to paint them befopre masking and doing the underside. But then i realised that they will be white as we as the bottom of the aircraft, so i won't have to mask those.

Also got the engine together, painted wirth Alclad and a bit of weathering.

More soon.


I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 3:15 PM

Nice! A Hellcat, though that does seem unusual for you.  Are you marking it in USN or doing a Fleet Air Arm bird?


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 3:23 PM

Thanks Steve. All the markings are USN so i will be doing one of those. I was drawn to an aircraft from USS Intrepid. Then when i realised that was the ship museum in New York, that sealed it.

I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3


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