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Wanting to build my first armor kit

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, January 10, 2004 4:03 PM
Awsome i am also building a sherman for the group build. But it is the M4A1 series streight from the box
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 9, 2004 9:57 AM
Here again i have to agree with everybody, get a sherman, When i started armor kits it was my first tank. Its a excelent kit and easy to add to. I know this isint ww2 but i also recommend the M48A3 patton tank that is another great kit. As with all Tayima kits armor shouldn't be much of a problem to build but Sign - Welcome [#welcome] to armor.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 9, 2004 9:45 AM
If you want to expand the options a bit from "tank" to "armoured vehicle," I'll play devil's advocate and suggest the Tamiya Greyhound! A wunnerful, wunnerful kit!

It's such an attractive little thing, and it falls together. Remember that the vast majority of vehicles in the armies of this period were not tanks.

An alternative suggestion would be the Tamiya 2 /12 ton 6x6 truck -- the one vehicle, more than any other, that defeated the Nazis in WWII! Now this is a truly SUPERB model. What a beautiful kit!

Or hell just do a Sherman. Enjoy.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 8:18 PM
hey goat what scale and how in the world did you sell a model kit?

  • Member since
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Posted by Anthony on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 7:54 PM
I've got to agree with everybody. The Tamiya M4A3s(all versions except the old old motorized easy 8), can't beat. They are all easy to build and with no problem. If buget is a big issue, also try the older Tamiya M5A1 Stuart, Italeri USMC M4 Sherman and M-24 Chafee, they are also very good although not as perfect as the Tamiya M4A3s.
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  • From: USA
Posted by mark956 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 7:25 PM
Sounds great gagoatman. You could also post some pictures of your models here.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 7:20 PM
I have just recently started building armor ,before it was always WW2 german aircraft.Now I like armor better. My first was a panther tank by tamiya.It cost about 10 dollers at a Hobby Lobby on sale for half price. I took my time and it turned out good.I put in on Ebay and got 32.00 for it.The buyer was happy and so was I.Now I have about 5 to build.Plus about 15 aircraft. I love it and it helps me calm down after work and after dark.
  • Member since
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  • From: USA
Posted by mark956 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 4:39 PM
Welcome to the Darkside sphealey. Tamiya's Sherman tanks are very good and would make a good first armor kit to build.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 4:36 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Gotterdamerung
All great Tiger targets.
Gotter.Smile [:)]

Aww don't do that.. You'll scare him off!
  • Member since
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  • From: The Buckeye State
Posted by Panther 44 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 2:57 PM
Hi sphealey,
I'm going to join in and vote with the majority, a Tamiya Sherman, specifically the Tamiya M4A3 #35122 would be my choice . Simple, staight forward and fun to build.
Just remember, ignorance is no excuse for the law. - Moe
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 9:25 PM
Sign - Ditto [#ditto]
Sherman (Tamiya/Dragon), Stuart (Academy/Tamiya), Priest (Italieri).
All great Tiger targets.
Gotter.Smile [:)]
  • Member since
    January 2003
Posted by shermanfreak on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 8:43 PM
Both are excellent choices sphealey.
Any of the Tamiya Shermans ... with exception of their very old Easy 8 kit are great builds. All are very well engineered and fairly accurate. All great first builds.
Happy Modelling and God Bless Robert
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:15 PM
At the risk of sounding like a broken record:

The Tamiya Sherman is the kit of choice.

There are four versions of the Tamiya Sherman, any of which would be a good choice, but the most economical will be the original release of the M4A3.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:12 PM
I found the Taymia M4A3 105mm for REALLY cheap on Ebay. Is this the same kit? Thery also have the M4 version. Are these kits as good as the M4A3 kit?
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 6:59 PM
Tamiya's 1/35 M60A1. Thats the first armor kit I built; it went togeather great, it detailed, has a basic camo sceme, plenty of aftermarket support, and it took me 3 days to built. It is not a common kit in hobby stores but u can find it on ebay easily. What period are you figures from? this is a post war/ vietnam tank ( not used it action much ). Yea it is also cheap!!
  • Member since
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  • From: Philippines
Posted by Dwight Ta-ala on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 5:45 PM
A Tamiya Sherman is a simple and good kit to start with. The Tamiya Pershing is another cool kit to build. Straightforward and simple. I have built both of them and I had no problems with them as far as fit is concerned.

  • Member since
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  • From: Exit 7a NJ Turnpike
Posted by RAF120 on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 5:18 PM
I have to agree with the rest, get the Tamiya Sherman. It is a pretty straight foward build.
As far as the bottom of the sponsons being open it's not really a big deal because you probably wont notice it when your done.
Trevor Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?
  • Member since
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  • From: Rain USA, Vancouver WA
Posted by tigerman on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 5:07 PM
I built Tamiya's early Sherman and it was straight forward with no problems. I've got Academy's Hellcat and have heard good things about the company.


  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 4:48 PM
Sign - Welcome [#welcome]!!!

Yes! Grab up a Tamiya Sherman and join the Group build! It'll be a great intro to 'the dark side'.

  • Member since
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  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 3:45 PM
I enjoyed building the Tamiya M4A3 Sherman. It was one of my first tanks that I did and had no problems with it and really enjoyed building it as well. Other than the only WW2 US kit I have done is the Academy Stuart Honey. It was a nice little build to with only a few minor hurdles.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 3:44 PM
Welcome to the world of Armor... As far as recomending a good American armor kit, about your only choice is something based on a Sherman or Stuart... Tamiya's old M4A3 is a great old kit and is easy to build. It has aged well, there are some problems with the kit (most glaring is the absence of sponson bottoms) but for a first timer that isn't such a huge deal. The suspension looks complicated but as far as makers its the easiest to build.. Kits from AFV Club and Academy are more accurate in this area but more complicated to build because of it. That would be my suggestion though is kit number: tam35122 It isn't a hard kit to find and its priced reasonabley. Tamiya's newer Sherman kits are nice too but are more expensive. Hope this helps...

Good luck with your first foray into armor, and let us know how it progresses. If you have any questions o'l Shermanfreak (who should be chiming in shortly[:D} ) is a fountain of knowledge as are most of the folks that frequent this site... you came to a good place.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 3:44 PM
well if you look in the Sherman group build there are most of the US tanks there
the Tamiya kits are good
but for your first kit go for the Sherman then the Tamiya Pershing
  • Member since
    November 2005
Wanting to build my first armor kit
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 3:33 PM
I am wanting to build a 1/35 American world war two tank to go along with some figures I got for christmas. I know nothing about armor modles, and am hopeing someone can point out a good kit without too many problems.

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