I built this model quite a number of years ago, and it has sadly sat trackless almost since completion. The kit "rubber band" tracks were exceedingly tight - and fragile it would seem, since they tore themselves off the model within a few weeks! I bought some Friul metal tracks, but got bored and never finished them. And the weathering job, if you could call it that, was so tepid that it made me angry at myself.
https://flic.kr/p/2g55qh2][/url]PT76-01 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
https://flic.kr/p/2g55hoU][/url]PT76-02 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
https://flic.kr/p/2g55pMp][/url]PT76-09 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
The model was in good shape, except for the dust. But I noticed the co-ax machine gun was missing. My mind isn't what it used to be (Dave, I can feel my mind going...), so I forgot that I had cut it off to clean up the molding line on the base and never built a replacement.
https://flic.kr/p/2g55dwu][/url]PT76-07 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
https://flic.kr/p/2g55dyJ][/url]PT76-08 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
So with the subject of a Vietnam M41 on another thread catching my interest, plus a club group build looming, I decided to move this shelf queen back to the bench to rework it into a NVA machine. I'll not go into any real fine research as I just want to (re)finsish the thing. I was able to find a dry transfer sheet online so the game is on.
https://flic.kr/p/2g55dh6][/url]PT76-12 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
The plan is to remove tools and such and just carefully paint around the headlights and spotlight lenses, then give it a way better weathering job. And change those terribly weenie tow cables. I think I have a spare Karaya set somewhere.
Why add yet another project? Well, I'm trying to get the model mo-jo back. I have lost it and cannot find it anywhere. Maybe I cut it off and never built a replacement.
Daisy, Daisy give me your heart to do
I'm half cra-zy, hopeful in love with you...