geez Jon, ya know...there are modelers out there who prescribe to the 'Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, must be a duck" philosophy. The kit itself is not crap. It actually builds up quite nicely, things fit.
Yes, it's an old kit (I think the turret is in the wrong location on the hull IIRC), and it's not accurate in detail, but it's not going to matter to someone who's starting out, or hasn't got the experience, budget, or desire to jump into a $40 new-tooled kit with PE and indies.
As an advanced modeler with a few hundred builds under his belt, I would much rather see someone start out on something like this, enjoy it (even with all it's faults) and continue on in the hobby. Toss a new Trumpeter or Dragon kit to a young modeler, or someone just starting out, and it's Frustration we come. Chances are we lose that modeler because their initial experience was bad. They can't make that model look like the ones they see here, there's too many parts, it takes too long...the excuses go on and on...
So...'fess up, you've built one in your past, haven't you? I admit I've built at least 5 in my day...and I still actually have one sitting on the shelf in an ambush scheme. From anything more than 2 feet away, it looks like a Panther.