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One of the all time greatest looking cars and you did it justice. Beautiful.
Beautiful work.
Looks great! Beautiful car. Did you sand/polish/wax? The paint looks a mile deep.
Nice job
Rob Gronovius You could have just edited your original posts.
You could have just edited your original posts.
totally fair point. I had tried but the pics still wouldnt update. I now realise it was total operator error but in fairness it is astonishing that forum technology has not moved on to allow pictures to be uploaded directly rather than via another site!
anyway - sorted now and apololigies!
Classic - so why divert from the original. The biggest decision here was - which red? I think I used an entire pack of plastic spoons agonsing over which to use. Ended up with the standard Mr Colour H3 Red... and it looks amazing.
Model is beautiful, fit was great (except the hood, which catches the top of the engine just a tiny bit. I tried to heat it and reshape it a bit, but its still not perfect. So annoying.
After taking these photos I also had the tip from someone to try Bare Metal Foil on the windows, which I did, and it looks MUCH better I have to say. Now addicted to this new detailing tool.
Let me know what you think!
... and THAT engine!
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