I'll try to fix it by adding the / to the second [ img] as in [ /img] remember no spaces after the [
Wrong url, that url takes you to the Picasaweb page that the picture is displayed on. However, it does result in a clickable link to that page, so if you wanted to post a link instead of an image that is a way to do it. The actual link to the image itself is:
which I found as Frank said by right clicking on the photo, selecting properties in the box that opens in Windows, and then I used ctrl C to copy the new url.
the new url is [_img]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zJngMSPw5Ro/SxmlR_OnvsI/AAAAAAAAAjU/Ibf9lB0iYDQ/s720/Model%20Pics%202%20005.jpg[_/img]
Remember to take out the spaces after the[ which I have highlighted like this_. I have to place them there or that text will not be displayed, instead a blank picture will be displayed instead of my text. And here is the same text without the spaces:
And wow, that is one super scratchbuild. Very, very, well done, and very accurate, at least compared to what I remember the airplane looks like and I've been around them more than a little.