Lee - thanks for the positive feed back
ajlafleche - glad to see you approve of the painting. As a fellow figure modeller, it's good to receive critical comments. You are right, there is a slant in the position of the eyes and to make matters worse, the lower eye (the figure's left eye) has also been sculpted larger - more open than his right eye.
In reality, the human face is not symmetrical, and this becomes more apparent as we age. I tried fixing the problem area by making the eyes the same height. There was absolutely no room to raise it - that would involve re-sculpting. In hind sight, I suppose I could have carved the good eye lower, and built up the brow at the same time with putty. Have you ever had to do something like this, or how would you of handled said problem?
The same flaw is also apparent on the box art, but because it is painted so well, it is not spotted right away. Camera angles also could be a factor.