Huck, most of the paints were Vallejo/Andrea, except for the base grimy black for the hair and the base off white on the shirt and MM acryl British Crimson for the base on the headband. Model master metalizer brass and Testor's silver for the cartridges and medallion.
Some of the speed was not waiting for oils to cure and staying focussed as an experiment in building to a (self imposed) deadlline. Normally this would have taken 3-4 weeks. He was the only thing I worked on, as well. The Predator I posted last took a couple months start to finish.
I don't have a local figure specialty dealer, the closest being just outside Boston, 80 miles away. IIRC, I got him from Neal Das at Sentinel Miniatures ( at a show. Other good on;ine figure dealers are Military Miniatures Warehouse ( )and The Red Lancer (