A Dragonlords Silver Dragon and High Priestess on Rock Base. Painted using Games Workshop Citadel Paints.
Hubby bought this a few years back, the woeful painting was an added bonus.
The said offending item disappeared into the back of his modelling cupboard and stayed there, until we had moved into the same house and got married. at which point I decided to put it on the display cabinet cause I love dragons sooo much.
About a yr later madmike (hubby) decided that I should hone my talents and try something a little bigger and what comes out of the display cabinet but this woefully painted bronzey/red/gold dragon thing. One bath with Mr Muscle Oven cleaner and scrub with soft toothbrush said miniature was back to bare metal.
Out came the AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) Monster book and after some research I decided a silver dragon would be the go.