Hi all
Thought I would post a biger grouping of Battlemechs from the miniatures game Battletech.
From the front -left to right
Clan Wolf Command Star (A Star consists of 5 battlemechs, known as points) from 3050 painted in my version of Clan Wolf grasslands camo and using Citadel paints.
- Vulture 65t fire support omnimech (Clan name - Mad Dog)
- Madcat 75t heavy omnimech (Clan name - Timberwolf)
- Thor 70t heavy omnimech 9 (Clan name - Summoner)
- Gladiator 90t assault mech - Galaxy Commander (Clan name - Executioner)
- Loki 70t assault mech (Clan Name - Hellbringer)
At the back from left to right is an Inner Sphere Lyran Commonwealth 10th Lyran Guard Heavy Lance (A lance consists of 4 battlemechs) from 3028. The 10th LG are an elite Lyran unit and shared the full brunt of the 3050 Clan invasion along with the Davion Heavy Guard. Mechs were again painted with Citadel paints with the scheme correct from the camo specs and field books.
The Inner sphere mechs are the "unseen" mechs which FASA (game creators) attained copywrite useage from the Robotech anime show. Once copywrite expired, Harmony Gold disallowed FASA from continuing to use the original designs.
- Thunderbolt 65t heavy mech
- Orion 75t heavy mech
- Crusader 65t heavy mech
- Archer 65t fire support mech
Hope you like 'em. Sorry for some of the long winded explanations, hoping they helped put some background to these miniatures.