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Moebius Models The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman with Bat-Pod "COMPLETED"

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  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Monday, January 6, 2014 6:47 PM

I couldn't figure out why that peg was there. The only thing I can imagine is that it had something to do with the molding process.

I did sand the treads. I started out with a fairly fine sanding stick but it wasn't giving me enough of a worn look so I used one a little more course. Maybe 400 grit. I don't really know.

I may go back and dull cote the hair. It's too shiny. Over all the whole thing came out looking pretty decent.

Thanks for the compliment.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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  • From: California
Posted by SprueOne on Monday, January 6, 2014 6:38 PM

nice finish. The 1/25 scale version has that useless peg thing as well. Did you sand the tire tread? It looks realistic

Anyone with a good car don't need to be justified - Hazel Motes


Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

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Posted by JimNTENN on Monday, January 6, 2014 6:53 AM

Thank you. I may have to work out some kind of display to put it on like I want to do with the Tumbler. It's not as eye catching, in my opinion, as the Tumbler is. It would be even less to look at without the Catwoman figure. It's still a cool model though.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


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Posted by TD4438 on Sunday, January 5, 2014 11:29 PM

Well done.

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Posted by JimNTENN on Sunday, January 5, 2014 1:58 PM

Well, I'm calling this one done. 

Overall it isn't a bad kit. It was fun but by the time I reached the last stages I was pretty burnt out on Moebius and Batman having built the Batmobile Tumbler prior to this one. This kit is much easier to handle when compared to the Tumbler. About the only aggravating part for me was the figure both in painting and attaching it to the pod. Painting it was only aggravating because I don't have a lot of experience painting figure, in particular, faces. Attaching it wasn't all that hard to do it's just that once I got it on the pod and glued the handle bars down I discovered that one of the hand grips was sticking up just slightly higher than the other one. I attached it according to the instructions. Because of how the figure goes together there wasn't really any other way to do it. The locators on the ends of the arms are shaped a certain way so that you can only attach them to the body in one position. This in turn doesn't give you any play in the arms so it's a little harder to get everything to line up perfectly when attaching the figure and the handlebars to the vehicle. 

All in all I'm pretty happy with it. It makes a cool looking model. 

Hope you like it and feel free to ask any questions or offer any constructive criticism. 



Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Sunday, January 5, 2014 1:38 PM

Before I go on to the finished photos I thought it would be a good time for another 'What the f@#*? moment compliments of Moebius Models.

The tubular peg, or whatever you choose to call it, in the photo apparently serves no function whatsoever to the finished model and it isn't  found on the actually vehicle. I didn't realize this until the finishing stages. I almost cut it off before attaching the figure but I would have had to fill the hole and then file it down and I was afraid in the process, because of where it is located, that I might cause a domino effect of damage to the almost completed model. So, I decide to leave it. If you build this model you may want to consider removing it early on. I have no idea why it is there.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Sunday, January 5, 2014 1:30 PM

I got a little carried away at finishing this thing and forgot to take more in-process pics. Sorry! Most of the pics I could have taken would have been the finishing of the figure and most of them would have been unnecessarily redundant, anyway. So I'll just show here what Catwoman looked like when I first started painting her and then you'll see how she looks in the 'FINISHED' photos.

After priming the figure with grey enamel primer from a rattle can I painted the body first rather than the face and head. I wanted to attach the head before painting the face because there was going to be a seam half way up the neck that would need to vanish before painting the flesh colors. So I had to paint the body first because once the head was attached the hair would get in the way of painting the back plus with the head attached it would be impossible to paint the underside of the hair.

I was initially going to try and give the black outfit some character by mixing a little blue paint with black to give it a slightly different shade than the boots and gloves, hopefully making the whole outfit a little more interesting while still giving the impression that it is black overall. This didn't work the way I'd hoped so I went back over it with black. I ended up going over the boots and gloves with some satin clear coat to try and give some subtle definition. 

To paint the face I used the following Vallejo colors: Flat Earth, Red Leather, Rose Brown, Basic Skintone, and Light Flesh. I probably didn't need all these colors but, oh well. It came out looking okay. Actually I am pretty happy with it. It came out looking better than I expected. The fact that the goggles cover the eyes made it easier to paint the face in the sense that I didn't have to worry about shading around the eyes. 

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Sunday, December 29, 2013 7:41 PM

Thank you. I think I'm just to picky and critical of my own work. But, I'd say a lot of us on here are the same way.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


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Posted by TD4438 on Sunday, December 29, 2013 7:33 PM

The hair looks excellent.

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    August 2012
Posted by JimNTENN on Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:01 PM

I sprayed a base coat of flat black on the rest of the figure. I'm going to go over that with a mix of black and a really dark blue...possibly intermediate hopefully break up the monotony of an all black figure and give the clothing a little more color while still retaining the appearance of a black outfit. I'll go back over the gloves and boots with black to hopefully add some subtle distinction from the rest of the outfit. I'm really just trying to give the whole outfit some character and to keep it from being dull. I'll finish it with some subtle highlighting to add to the depth.  Hopefully it will all work out.

I'll add the head to the torso after the dark blue/black mixture has been applied. There will be a seam where the head attaches that will have to be filled and sanded so painting the face will be handled just before the figure is attached to the Pod.

That's my plan, anyway.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Sunday, December 29, 2013 1:48 PM

I then dry brushed the hair, first with flat earth, then with beige brown, and finally with flat brown lightened with white. The look isn't exactly what I was going for but I guess it's decent. I guess there is just a limit to how much realism you can build into a model. Then again, it may just be that I don't exactly understand just how to achieve that realism. Oh well, at least I'm trying.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Sunday, December 29, 2013 1:35 PM

Time to give an update on the progress.

I decide to take a break from the Bat-Pod itself and work on Catwoman.Embarrassed

It was necessary to paint the hair first since once the head is glued on it would be impossible to paint the underside of the hair. No detail or highlighting will be applied to the underside of the hair since it won't be visible once the figure is assembled. All that was needed in that case was to paint the underside the dark base coat so that no bright unpainted areas would be visible. 

For the dark base coat I created a mix of approximately one part black, one part chocolate brown, and one part flat brown and then brushed it on.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Friday, December 27, 2013 8:09 AM

I'll take some more pics later that will show it's scale better. My biggest concern is painting the figure. It's a BIT bigger than 1/35 scale so it will be a challenge to paint and get it to look right, especially the face. But, that will be a good thing because I have some old larger scale vinyl figure kits from Screamin' and Horizon and others that I haven't built. I've NEVER built any of those large scale figures before so hopefully this 1/18 Catwoman will be an adequate introduction to larger scale figures, at least as far as the painting goes.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


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Posted by TD4438 on Friday, December 27, 2013 6:51 AM

Looks good.Can't tell it's a larger scale.

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Posted by JimNTENN on Thursday, December 26, 2013 11:06 PM

The rear wheel assembly isn't glued to the frame yet. Just a little test fitting fun goin' on.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:45 PM

Made more progress today....a lot more than I expected to make.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


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Posted by JimNTENN on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 8:11 PM

The Carpet Monster scored one on me but I think it's a blessing in disguise. I think the lenses look better this way.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by TD4438 on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 5:26 PM

This is gonna look badass! The Carpet Monster scored on you!

  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 4:07 PM

With the cannon assemblies and the headlights attached.....a couple more baby steps forward.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


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Posted by JimNTENN on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 4:04 PM

I painted the rim around the lenses black and attached them as is. I think this way worked out as well or better. 

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 4:01 PM

Here is one of the headlights supplied in the kit and one of the leftover lenses from the Tumbler kit. I was going to trim part of the black piece down and attach the lens to it. I lost the black piece when it went flying out my tweezers. Oh well, maybe I'll find it someday when I clean the house. But, I doubt it.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:58 PM

Yeah, I went ahead and tried just pushing it straight on. No real problem there. The ribs on the wheel did make the slightest bit of an impression on the side of the tire but it actually disappeared.

The holes for the lights were already there. The pieces in the kit for the lights are molded black like the rest of the kit and you have to paint them silver to look like lights. Makes no sense whatsoever. They made clear lenses for the lights on the Tumbler. No reason why they couldn't have done the same with the 1/18 Bat-Pod. I have two of the lenses left over from the Tumbler that I didn't need when I installed the lighting. They'll be perfect for the lenses on the Bat-Pod. I'll just have to modify the existing pieces to accept them.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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  • From: California
Posted by SprueOne on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 12:32 PM

The side walls of the tires look fine even after pushing over the rim ribs.

I thought you were going to light it too, noticing that you drilled out the head lamp lenses out of the munition cluster parts

Anyone with a good car don't need to be justified - Hazel Motes


Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 7:44 AM

I was going to light it but decided against it because the lights I ordered aren't what I was wanting and it'll be too much of a headache trying to "hide" the wires anyway.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by TD4438 on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 7:24 AM

You're lighting this one up too?

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Posted by JimNTENN on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:24 PM

A coat of silver paint for the munitions clusters. One little step further.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 6:22 PM

Oh good grief.Super Angry Where it says, "...bushing for the feel...," it should be 'wheel.' I've gotta pay closer attention to what I'm typing.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 6:16 PM

I finally got to use the cutoff saw I got from Micro-Mark a few months ago.

I cut the tubing I'm going to use to make the axle for the front wheel. The kit comes with an axle(the black piece in the third pic) but I decided to use tubing to make a channel for routing the wiring for the light from the right side. However, I decided not to install lights because the lights I ordered from Walthers are more of a soft white rather than the cool white like those I installed on the Tumbler and it would be more of a headache than I want to deal with right now to attach the wires along the chassis in a way that will not be easily noticed. I guess Catwoman will have to ride it during the day.

The shorter piece press fits into the wheel and acts as a bushing for the feel to rotate around the longer axle tubing that will press fit into the left and right munitions clusters.

Since I'm not installing lights the tubular axle was not necessary but I decide to go with it anyway just to get a little practice at scratch building(if it can be called that) and improving a model.

I must say that the wheel turns right nicely.Cool

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)


  • Member since
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Posted by JimNTENN on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 5:56 PM

At this point, with the engine cover and saddle attached, it looks like some strange bug.

Current project(s): Hobby Boss: 1/72 F9F-2 Panther

                                  Midwest Products: Skiff(wood model)



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