- Member since
January 2003
- From: USA
Well, as to specific pictures and references to this specific mech, the best stuff is out of print, out of production. Some stuff, like the Mechwarrior line from 2 to current is the most easily accessible, but if you can find one, the Mechwarrior Role-playing Game 2nd edition book is excellent. IT has a section devoted to the Clan Mechs, and their technology. While they use the Mad Cat as their example, the clans use a modular technology which carries from mech to mech. Also, if you can get a Mech Source book, with a listing of all the mechs, it has some info, but just one picture of the mech. Also, the BattleTech Compendium has pictures of mech models, but again, they are not of the Blackhawk, but of the Mad Cat, Vulture, and Thor, but these may have ideas for your project. Currently, I have a partial kit of a Horizon Mad Cat that I am researching, and these are these are teh sources. Also do a search for the BlackHawk on your search engine, and see what sites come up. I have done that too with my Mad Cat, and it has been helpful.
Hope that Helps!
Life is a Trainer , and God is the back seat instructor. He's their to let your spirit soar, and keep you flying straight. After you've passed, you earn earn your wings.