Gents, I have looked high and low for an image, in particlar a side view, of the ship in drydock in order to add keels, props and rudders. This would be in her original fit, prior to SCB-110. I don't know if the arrangement changed then, but I would assume it did in some way.
Here's the best one I've found so far, at least if it is CVB-41. It's post SCB-110.
My understanding is that the arrangement is similar to an Iowa. Twin rudders. Four props- two each 4 and 5 blades. That part is pretty clear in the photo.
The Iowas have twin keels where the two inner props project directly out of the rear of them.
USS Missouri:
The photo of Midway seems to show braces on the two inner shafts. And the whole business of the fore-aft staggering of everything is unclear to me.
I'd be most grateful for any additional info.