Anyone know of some decent scale amphibs? As in the big class, not the LCM's and such I see out there.
Former inhabitant of an LPH and an LPD and would love to build a model of either. Preferrably the LPH. I know there is a 1/700 of the USS Austin out there (1986 cruise, good food, ok ship) havent seen anything for the USS Guam (LPH-9 1987, HORRIBLE food, great ship with a history... oh yeah and a big gash in the starboard hull right even with Med Station 5, a tug in Roosevelt Roads pushed it in for us) I lost 30 pounds on that ship.. but that's a different story haha... (Did I say it was horrible food?)
Even a wood model would be nice... (never built one but worth a try)
Anyone know of anything even close besides waterline series?
Nothing against them but don't feel the urge to build an LHA... seen the Taraw kit... (although would have loved to serve on one, nice clean ship)