I have a O-2A Skymaster by Testors on the bench atm. There are huge gaps between the assembly between the fuselage and the wing component. I have tried squadron green putty and Zap-a-gap with unsatisfying results.
Method thus far:
- model washed, fuselage assembled, sanded
- attached wing portion to fuselage. Gaps puttied , waited , sanded. Made a mess with putty a little , and losing some surface detail. The details on this particular model are raised, not the other way round.
The green putty seems to have small "perforations" in the putty after its dried. This is totally noticeable after priming. These little "microgaps" make me wanna throw this model into the ocean. And I live by one so it would be easy. Further, there is a large step-off between the leading edge of the wing component and the top of cockpit.
Any help?