Yesterday I made something really stupid - decided to wash a part from my Tamiya Porsche Carrera GT kit under running water over the sink. Of course I dropped it and it went through the net (I still don't understand how it fit there but it did). I took apart all the pipes under the sink, no succcess, the part is gone. I am really angry on myself and learnt a lesson but now I am stuck how to get the part replaced.
I know in USA it would not be a problem, I could just order the frame the part was in and done. However here in Mexico it is a bit more difficult. The local Tamiya dealer told me they don't provide this service. I could still buy it in Europe (as I am not Mexican) but that will take me 5 more months...
So I am thinking - the part is relatively small and it is not unique, I have another one. I bought yesterday some epoxy glue and that thicker plasticine like one, too (two rods that need to be mixed together). In theory I could just make a mold from the epoxy plasticine and let it dry. Then I may use the same plasticine to make the missing model piece. It would be enough that the piece is perfect from one side, from the other I could grind it down. I am a little hesitant tho:
1. Will I be able to get the epoxy piece out of the epoxy mold once the piece dried? Or should I take it out before?
2. What adhesive do I use to paste an epoxy part to a plastic model part? I am scared it will keep falling off.
3. Any better ideas?
Thanks, all comments appreciated!