Having been modeling for a decent amount of time (since I was 9, now 32), and working towards a final goal of doing a tribute for all my fathers years of service, I finally took the plunge and bought a good airbrush, as far as I can tell, a badger 360. I also got a decent AC, again, to the best of my knowledge, a model TC-20T. For about 5 years I was using the nice aztec metal body with the testor a/c, and honestly, it served me well. I did however, wish for a better level of detail, and a better control over air pressure, and paint flow. Be careful what you ask for?
Turns out that the AB is kicking my butt. So far, I know my paint is well thinned. I know I am running around 15 psi. What I am not getting is good lines. I don't get a good mist at all. More like small droplets, if that makes sense. I am positive its me, just not quite sure what the heck I am doing wrong.
You're welcome to take your n00b of the day cheapshot at me for being too inexperienced to work with such a tool, but please, by all means, give me any info you may have about this set up or problem. A little frustrated and don't wanna waste too much more paint before I figure this out. Thanks!