Thanks Aaron and Hawkeye!
I suppose I should have mentioned that I was going to apply the powder to a base of gloss white paint.
Hawk, I figured you'd be the leading expert in this field. I've used the SnJ product a few years ago and had very good luck with it. But a couple of years ago I tried using the product on a huge B-36 and it just didn't turn out that great at all. I wore doctor gloves and handled it with cloth towels to avoid getting finger oils on it but it still seemed to end up with finger smudges and it seemed like, in places, the powder just didn't want to stick. So this will be my first attempt in a while at using it on a big model.
Right now I've got a base coat of Testor's Grey Primer which covered nicely. Next I'm going to apply a coat of gloss white and then I'll buff the powder into that.
I'll be sure to post pics when it's all done!