Testors Acrylics (old) vs. Testors Acryls (new)
I have most always used MM enamals and some time ago decided to try Testors old line of Acrylics. I was very disappointed as I found them difficult to spray and the paint did not adhere to the model surface at all. Therefore, I turned my back on them and went back to my enamals for years. I wondered how the new line compares with the old in these regards. My complaint was always how thick they seemed to go on. I have used Polyscale acrylics for painting model RR buildings and such but never even tried that line of military colors either.
A side note: I used to use some of the old Floquil line of military colors as the pigments seemed even finer ground than Testors MM. I was very saddened when Testors decided to drop that line after they aquired the Pollyscale and Floquil lines, though I can understand why. No sense in competing with yourself-just ask GM about offering too many brands.