Yes, thanks again to all of you! The liquid masking and white glue masking ideas may come in very handy in case the masks I cut are not quite the right size. I have already glued the windows in place with CYA and have sanded them flush with the fuselage so there is no recess or area to catch any excess mask but I can use either the glue drop idea or my liquid mask to fill in any discrepancy. I will end up polishing the windows with 2000 grit and finer sanding papers and films, will polish with toothpaste and then Bare Metal Foil plastic polish, and will probably finalize with a coat of Future, in case any of you were wondering. Then I will place my masks over the window, supplement as necessary with liquid masking agent as mentioned above, then will probably repolish and re-Future when I take the bandages off. Voila, I hope to have some very spiffy windows on a rare British glider! Unfortunately it is an old Frog kit, not Airfix......
I must also apologize for taking so long to check back with the forum - I have had a busy week here at work and got sidetracked. Anyway, happy Thanksgiving to all of you.