Hey guys,
For some reason, my airbrush started acting up today, but I'm pretty sure it's either me or the paint. The brush is an Iwata Eclipse CS, had it for a year with no problems. Anyway, for some reason, spraying both Tamiya acrylics and MM acrylics, I'm getting a lot of spitting and a gritty finish (I'm assuming this is because the paint is drying before hitting the surface). At first, I thought I didn't have enough thinner (using Tamiya X-20A), so I upped it a bit, but no change. So then I tried different air pressures, from 8psi to 25psi - still no change.
So, what do you guys think may be the problem? I'm painting inside, in a spray booth, but the window was open. Could the 20 degree weather outside, really be affecting my paint, causing it dry faster?.
Is there a way to salvage a gritty paintjob, short of spraying over it? The paint's already a bit thicker than I would have normally liked, but it's only a basecoat of krylon primer and a few layers of Tamy and MM paints. Soaking it isn't really an option because there are detail areas that are painted just perfectly (gun bays, wheel wells, etrc.). Is there something I could use on a rag that won't eat through the model - or me?
Thanks guys and sorry for all the questions.