I say skip the toothpick and spend a few bucks at a decent art supply store. Look for 20/0 fine point brush and 10/0 shader brush. You can use the fine point for adding specific colors to very fine details and the shader for very localized dry-brushing. I don't know if I could even consider painting a cockpit without those 2 brushes.
I have both a 20/0 and a 10/0. I still use the toothbrush for things like switch handles and very small knobs. The thing is, even a very fine brush can still hold a lot of paint, and if the paint wets the surface it can flow out in a dot bigger than tip of brush. Not only is the toothpick tip a small diameter, but the toothpick does not wick up very much paint. The limited amount of paint means that even when the paint wets the surface there is not enough paint on the tip to flow out into a larger dot.