Mike, I own two 100LG (one medium and one fine), and while I love them both, if I was buying a new airbrush, I would go for either the 105 Patriot or the Velocity, simply because those are newer designs. Which YOU should buy is whatever works best for you.
Tough question, though, isn't it? What I can tell you is the Velocity is a fine line airbrush, it's not going to be good at laying down a broad swath of paint. It's going to be best between a hairline and 1/2". If you do a lot of fine work, than there's your answer.
However, if you are more like the average modeler, than I would say the Patriot is a better all around choice. It won't do hairlines, but it will do a pencil width, which is smaller than I need! It will also put down a broader stripe for flood coats.
Whatever your choice, you will need an air hose, Badger doesn't fit the other brands. You shouldn't have any trouble sourcing an adapter for your compressor (if needed) locally, as those are pretty common the world wide.