I sprayed Tamiya TS-30 onto my car model. Unfortunately, a piece of paper towel dried onto a spot on the paint, and when I pulled it pff, it revealed a nasty rough mark, that can be easily seen (a small mark). I tried to sand the rough spot off, and spray with Tamiya TS-30, but I sprayed it on too thick. I tried to wipe the excess paint on the body with a paper towel, but it left a nasty paper towel line where I wiped it off, and it was all over the side of the body.
I decided maybe I should strip the paint on this side of the model. Maybe the entire model. But, can somebody help me, and I ask:
How do I fix this? Should I strip the paint off, or sand it off?
If I were to sand it, how long should I wait, and what grit of sandpaper should I use?
If I were to strip the paint off, Can I use Isopropyl Alcohol?
The paint is a TS-30 Silver Leaf by Tamiya. It is Laquer.
One more question, can 91% Isopropyl Alcohol dissolve Laqcuer? Specifically the TS spray line?
EDIT: Yesterday, I started to sand it with 3000 grit, all the way to 8000 grit. It did smoothen it, but I want to ask you all here to see what else I should do. Here is what the model looks like after sanding it down 3000-8000:
I would say this is enough. But what should I do next? Should I let it cure and clearcoat it? Or should I paint one more layer and then add a clearcoat?
(keep in mind I have already put many layers of TS-13 (about 4). I am afraid that doing this more will make the surface details less recognizable, and will make the paint look gloopy.)
What should I do next?
I also do not have 1000 grit, only 3000-12000.