Kitchen table modelers certainly need to take special precautions. As I used to be one, perhaps I can help answer some of your concerns.
It's a fact that most of our supplies are harmful in some form or another. Knives, glues, paints, solvents, thinners and cleaners need to be considered carefully, especially if you have young children. None of these should be left unattended around children, even the so-called "safe" ones. Common sense must be used (which is darn good advice for just about everything ). Also, keep in mind that our litigious society is the reason behind most warning stickers, rather than the perceived danger.
Gator's Grip Hobby Glue is a non-toxic acrylic polymer glue that can replace CA (superglue) and be used for many other uses. It's still an ”apply then stick" glue and was designed to be a replacement for CA and not the "regular" glues, therefore it's not ideal for seams. Sadly, there is no "safe" replacement for liquid glues.
I use Tamiya Extra Thin, which is extremely aromatic. With care and attention this and other liquid glues can be used safely, as it is used sparingly. Caution must prevail if you have young ones. Making sure you have plenty of ventilation is the rule of the day. I make sure I keep the cap on when I'm not actively gluing. More so because the stuff will evaporate very quickly!
Acrylics are certainly less smelly than enamels, but that is a matter of degrees. Acrylic does NOT equal safe. All previous warnings apply! I use Tamiya Acrylic, and again ventilation is your friend. They're certainly easier to clean up then enamels, as ordinary soap and water works.
Spray booth:
Before I got my "man-space" I had my spray booth in the kitchen, at least during the winter months, and vented out the window. This kept the fumes to a minimum, and I also used it as a gluing station (I made my own booth, and it's quite large!) which also helped. Having a spray booth in the kitchen requires having a spousal unit with a vast amount of patience and understanding (YMMV). After two winters my S.U. saw the light and I finally received the man-space we all deserve (again YMMV).
I hope this helped, and don't stop asking questions!