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Sarah Gomez

  • Member since September 2020
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About Sarah Gomez

3 Strategies to Deal with an Unsettled Pet


Cats’ companionship to humans can be traced back to thousands of years ago. They are notoriously known for their grumpiness and languorous behavior. But they are very inquisitive and playful animals that as your companion can make your life pleasant and enjoyable. 


Many cat owners tend to feel calm around their pet cats, so much that they can’t imagine living without them. If you are affected by emotional difficulties and need emotional support, with an legally register emotional support dog or cat you can make the best of these feline characteristics. Cats are, in fact, one of the most common emotional support animals.




However, at times your feline companion needs your support as much as you need it. This is when your pet cat seems perturbed and unsettled. Dealing with such cats can be tricky as our natural reaction to dealing with such situations is to offer physical comfort but unlike other animals, cats don’t like physical comforts such as hugs and holding them. 


If you want to register any other pet rather than a dog or a cat then you’re all free to do it. There are no restrictions on registering different animals or breeds. However, people often get confused when it comes to ESA registration


Here are five strategies that you should follow when dealing with an upset cat:

Let your cat dictate how close you can get 

A needy person might exacerbate the situation by not giving the cat much space that he/she wants. Cats during such irritable moods tend to remain reclusive and usually don’t like the company. However, these cats require an ESA letter for housing. Respect the need for space, and instead stay a bit far and try to interact with your cat in a soothing and soft voice. Avoid grabbing onto your cat and trying to get him/her on your lap, as you will exacerbate the situation; you can pet your cat only if s/he wants to be pet.


Over time you will notice that the cat demands your attention more and might even climb onto your lap, and initiate physical contact. Make the transition smooth and give her the reigns of the person and pet companion relationship.

Provide a place for the comfort of your cat

During the time of stress, your cat would want to be left alone, ideally in an area away from other humans, including yourself. Make sure to provide a cozy place for your cat to escape to. This can be a place up high in your houses, as an ESA letter cats love the aerial view of things and feel comfortable and safe up high. Make sure that it contains freshwater, the cat food, things to play with, and cozy bedding. 


You can add to this set up a soothing playlist of classical music. Many people with cats as a companion have reported their cat to be much calmer and relaxed when they get to hear soothing classical music.

With time you will notice positive changes in the cat’s behavior, and you will get your companion back. 

Try to find the source and visit a vet to be safe

The cat might be suffering from chronic stress, so don't forget to apply for an emotional support animal certification. This usually occurs due to a change in the environment, interaction with new people, travel, change in diet, etc. The source can also be a scuffle with a stray cat that can be territorial or non-territorial. Check for any signs of injuries, just to be sure. You can also try to give the cat more places for it to hang out and sleep, while also providing scratching posts and different feeding units.      


You should consult your cat’s vet if the behavior persists. The vet will check your cat for any medical conditions that can induce such behavior. Make sure to keep your companion cat in a pet cat when going to the vet as the car journey can worsen the situation especially when the cat is unrestrained. Whereas, if you dont have applied for your pet registry then you can get ESA letter online


Useful Resources


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