It has been a long time since I posted and and wished that I had not been gone for so long. As a matter of fact after about a year, I would be surprised if anyone remembers me. At any rate maybe some of my old friends will give me a greeting and maybe I will make new freinds here.
I guess it is one of those things that each day leads to another and the next thing I know I realize that it has been a while since I have posted here.
I miss all the great folks here. For one thing I think it was almost a year before I started building another ship.
After the Sultana, I took a break for a while. Then I got the Santisima Trinidad from OcCre wooden ship kit for Christmas 2008. I got started on it right then and really got heavily into it starting the beginning of this year 2009. Thank you for visiting the site. I need to get back to this forum again.
If anyone is interested in following the Santisima Trinidad Build Log, it is on my website at this address: ( I have about 3 months into it so far ) The reason I have this website is not only is it fun and something to do, but also I hope that it could be help to others that might want to build this ship and they have some type of other resource - I am not bragging about my build and I am having difficulties just like anyone else would. I am doing this for "sharing" is the main thing. If anyone can learn, or get an idea then that is what makes me happy. I like to share information, because there have been plenty of freinds and people that have done much more than I to help people like me to get started.