Outstanding pictures...
Ok... Been a little remiss in documenting this build, so here's some updates...
First, I added styrene strip to the interior, using the exterior panel lines as a guide... I think I need a few more here & there, but it looks good so far and I probably won't add any more since the visibility here after assembly is going to be EXTREMELY limited..
The main concern is going to be that I need to make sure that the bombbay roof is completed since there was no detail at all above the wing root area..
Here on the flight deck, a few mods were made as well... I brush-painted the bulkhead and floor with my own mix of interior green, then added chipping, scuffing and scratches. (The brush marks on the rear bulkhead are no longer there, BTW. The paint mix was extremely thin in order to get it super-flat and it needed three coats..) The silver tank is either a heater element or hydraulic resivior, I'm not sure which, and the fire extinguisher is painted copper... During WW2, portable extinguishers weren't red, that was an early 1960s change... The kit's pilot-yoke was cut off and new, half-round one fabricated from sprue to match the cockpit photos from "Flak Bait".
The panel got a piece of sheet styrene with engine gauges added in the center/right area, as well as a switch-panel located in the area between the panel and the throttle quadrant. I painted the panel flat white, then used a Sharpie to paint it black, then made a few swipes with sanding film to take the black off the relief... The "Six-pack" engine gauges were left black, then I scratched in some tick-marks with a needle in a pin-vise.
After I removed the curtain from the flight-deck bulkhead, the Radio/Navigator compartment got a scratch-built radio rack made from .020 strip and sheet styrene, and I'm curently doing the navigator's table from basswood and a pair of seats from strip styrene. The floor is sheet styrene, cut from a styrene "No Parking" sign (my usual source of sheet)... I don't have pictures of the "Flak-Bait" radio compartment, but I'm gonna make a SWAG and build the seats connected to the fuselage side rather than the floor, due to the Marauder's circular cross-section... I seem to recall this from my "tour" of the CAF's B-26 "Carolynn", although it was about 15 yeas ago that I was in it, and it was lost in a fatal crash that same year and I didn't take any pictures of her interior... I also failed to do the same thing when I looked at the real "Flak-Bait" fuselage at the NASM many moons ago...
Anyway, that's where I'm at so far... Thanks fer lookin'...