- Member since
April 2008
- From: Philadelphia PA
Bandai 'Real Touch' paint markers, a review
Gundam 'Real Touch' Paint markers. I first started using these paint markers when I first started to think about doing more then just snapping kits together. They were cheap and easy to use (the normal Gundam markers as well as the real feel make very good starting points for those getting into the hobby.)
After I moved onto real paint and brushes I set the markers aside, not really giving them much creedance after using a brush, thinking they were just for kids attempts.
Recently I picked up my set of 'Real Touch' markers and decided to give them a try, to see what I could do with them for doing panel lining and what I found was that they worked amazingly for doing shadows, panel lines, and dirtying up a kit.
I do not know what type of paint is used in them, if it is paint at all, or what it is, the text is in Japanese on the pen. I do know that it doesn't interfere with any undercoating, regardless of paint type. Along with this when you finish using them you should topcoat them because they can be worn off by repetitive touching (as you will see)
to give a demonstration I took a door that came with a miniart building kit as an accessory. I gave it a base coat of SAC Bomber Tan, just to give the marker something to stick to, they do not do well on bare plastic (they wipe off and will not stick, atleast not well)
Taking a Black 'Real Touch' marker I used the large tip (its two sided, large and small tip)
and I traced the corners where the raised edges and lowered edges met.
After that I took my finger (yes, my finger!) and I wiped the marker away. It takes most of the marker away except for a small bit that stains the paint as it is wiped off, and where your finger does not reach (see shadows)
From there I did the rest of the door in the same manner.
Here are some examples of it in a real world setting. I used the markers for both the shadows in the ridges of Rorschach's pants
and I used it to do EVERY panel line and shadow on this dio base, between the bricks (which gave them a very nice dirty old coloring) the stones on the ground, the cracks and gaps in the stucco, and the ridges and dents on the trashcan (as well as the trash)
While my favorite online Gundam shop does not have the 'Real Touch' amazon does, so does Ebay, here is a link.
I have not fully tested the other colors for this, once I do I will update.