well, here's an M4A2(76)W that's looking like she's seen better days...
-http://www.combatmission.com/articles/usmedtanks/pics/M4A1(76)W2.JPG- (you'll have to copy and paste this address, because the parentheses screw up linking)
and here's a rather small picture of a Panzer that won't be kicking up dust with the rest of her unit:
Quite a few images of banged-up, knocked-out armor on this site about Panzer ace Michael Wittmann, including the Tiger I in which he made his single-tank charge on Villers-Bocage...
Next, a T-54 of the NVA after an anti-tank encounter:
A spanked Sherman:
A Sherman after its ammo stores were hit (ouch):
That's 'bout all I have time to look for tonight, will try to remember to look further tomorrow.