So now it's time to attach the figures, I've been dreading this for two months.
The figures turned out ok; it's my first time to paint 'em with oils. I'll get better as I get more practice. Won't win any competitions, but that's not what drives me.
On with the first one-
Here's the method I am using: figs are pinned, dip pin in balck paint, place fig where final position will be, drill black dot on tank.
Sound simple? Not really. I knew the black dot wouldn't really be the precise location, so I tried to guesstimate. Not the best of luck, either. Finally settled for removing the pins on the rest of the figs, CAing them and resolved to never take this dio off the shelf ever again.
The tank and groundwork looked completely undisturbed for having been the area for a half dozen troops to relieve themselves. Mixed up another batch of sludge to work this problem out. Added a little Artist Acrylic Gloss Medium for some wetness.
Next, I eyedropped scenic cement on to the already hardened base where the majority of the foot traffic would have occured. This will soften the base so that, in a few minutes, I can press in some footprints with an old Tamiya leg.
When the prints were embedded, I painted in a little shiney sludge to represent "fresh and wet" :
Then painted the tank...
They still look too shiney and dark to me. I will try to subtle-fy later. Maybe re-dust the tank in places. I'll take suggestions.
I used the remaining sludge to coat portions of the ditch that will appear as "gross, smelly silt" at the bottom.
Ok, next came another first- using 2 part clear resin for water effects. Almost stuck myself to myself with this stuff. Not too dangerous, tho. I poured it into the ditch recesses and waited to see what happened next. A hole through the base? A fire? Uncontrollable meniscus? A little of the latter.
I can "fix" meniscus (a seemingly gravity-defying action by the resin that makes it appear to be "creeping up" the sides and items within it) later as well with some more grass planting and sand throwing. But I need something else to do with my life-on-vacation for the next 72 hours while I wait for it to harden. Already mowed the lawn, dishes are clean, Military Channel showing repeats. I need a side hobby.
Here's a few shots of the infantry. Like I said, lots of fine-tweaking left to do, but here is where I'm am at present...
Hope this isn't too boring. I'm a little bored. And I heard Ian is bored.
Suggest away. I'd especially like to hear from any of you out there that judge competitions. Among other criticisms and aspects, would you disqualify a dio because within it, a man is peeing? I've left this figure off for now, but he is my favorite part, and best one painted. Yes, his anatomy is sculpted and painted to a certain degree of reality. All I need is a strand of blond hair. Shame on you, Hornet